La Jolla Farms

Click for La Jolla Tidal Data


The City of San Diego Council District 1 serves our area. There are several municipal government and planning organizations in the area including the La Jolla Town Council. La Jolla Farms real property is described in detail on several local web sites. Visit these informative web sites for more governmental, community planning and real estate information.
City & County Government   ^top^
  City of San Diego     
+Expand/-Collapse   City of San Diego - Council District 1   619.236.6611  202 C Street, MS #10A | San Diego
+Expand/-Collapse   City of San Diego Planning Department   619-235-5200  202 C Street, MS 5A
Mission is to help San Diego realize it vision for the future. Develops General Plan and Community Profiles.
+Expand/-Collapse   County of San Diego   858-694-3900  1600 Pacific Highway
Services: Aging and Independence Services; Assessor Maps; Birth Certificates; Building Permits; Buynet; Child Support; Contact Us; Contacting An Inmate; County Departments; County Library; County Phone Numbers/Addresses; County Services; Death Certificates; Divorce Records; Environmental Concerns; Fictitious Business Names; FAQs; Gateway to Regional Services; Health Related Questions; Interactive Maps; Jobs; Marriage Licenses/ Certificates/ Wedding Videos; Parcel Maps; Property Sales Search; Property Taxes; Recorded Documents Index; Section 8 Rental Assistance
+Expand/-Collapse   Crime Statistics in La Jolla   619-531-2000 (info)  La Jolla
A variety of crime statistics, crime listings, and crime maps are available for the City of San Diego. Monthly statistics are updated by the 20th of the following month. Listings and maps are updated every Monday and reflect the most recent 30 day period for each neighborhood.
+Expand/-Collapse   Dept. of Environmental Health (DEH)   619-338-2222  1255 Imperial Ave. San Diego 92101
Mission: Protecting the environment and enhancing public health by preventing disease, promoting environmental responsibility and, when necessary, enforcing environmental and public health laws. Our goal is "Healthy People in Healthy Communities Free from Disease due to the Environment."
+Expand/-Collapse   Dept. of Planning and Land Use (DPLU)   858-694-3900  5201 Ruffin Rd, Suite B, San Diego
Mission: Maintain and protect public health, safety and well-being. Preserve and enhance the quality of life for County residents by maintaining a comprehensive general plan and zoning ordinance, implementing habitat conservation programs, ensuring regulatory conformance, and performing comprehensive community outreach.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Community Plan   619-235-5200  San Diego Planning Division, 202 C Street
2004 La Jolla Community Plan and Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan. The plan can be viewed from the above website or purchased at the City of San Diego's Planning Division,
+Expand/-Collapse   Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol (RSVP) Program   858-552-1737  La Jolla
"The San Diego Police Department’s Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol (RSVP), Northern Division, is seeking volunteers to serve the La Jolla community. RSVPs help address citizen concerns and patrol local neighborhoods as additional eyes and ears for the police. The senior volunteers assist uniformed officers with accident and crime scenes, and support disaster preparedness and homeland security efforts. In addition, RSVPs visit elderly residents to check on their welfare and safety as part of the YANA (You Are Not Alone) program, and conduct vacation house checks. Current RSVP volunteers are from all walks of life, and include military veterans, educators, business leaders and various professionals. Flexible schedules are available, though a minimum of three days per month is required of each volunteer (who must be at least 50 years of age and possess a valid California driver’s license). For more information, contact SDPD’s Northern Division RSVP at (858) 552-1737 or e-mail" —La Jolla Light Staff Reports, 2014-02
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego County Air Quality Control     
  San Diego County Parks & Recreation   858-694-3900  
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego County Recovery - Firestorm 2007 Recovery     
Assistance Available from: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Building officials, Mental Health Professionals, American Red Cross, California Office of Emergency Services, Small Business Administration, Property Tax Reduction Information, Utilities, Various volunteer services, Governor Provides Disaster Loan Guarantees for Small Businesses, Farmers.
General Recovery Resources, Local Assistance Centers, Services Provided, Disaster Recovery FAQ, Returning Home, Cleanup Information, Insurance, Financial Assistance, Rebuilding and Rental Damage, Agricultural Business Losses, Replacing Personal Documents, Erosion Control, Lost Animals, Vegetation Recovery, Safe Cleanup of Ash, Air Quality, Food and Water Quality, Cleanup Information, Swimming Pools, Propane Gas, Counseling and Community Relief.
  San Diego County Television Network  
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Fire Department - Station #9   9-1-1 (Emergency Only)   7870 Ardath Lane
Apparatus: Engine 9, Medic/Rescue 9. Placed in Service: November 1979. Speciality Station - Medical. Station 9 personnel are all firefighter/paramedics and responsible for orientation and continued training of field paramedics as well as maintenance of emergency medical equipment. Station 9 also handles department medical forms and other administrative projects.
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Fires     San Diego County
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Police Department - Northern Div.   9-1-1 (Emergency Only)  4275 Eastgate Mall
Services: [] Fingerprinting - Wednesdays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm; Cost: $5.00 for two fingerprint cards. No INS prints are done at this location. [] Engraving Property - Engraving tools can be checked out to label your property. [] Vacation House Checks - Volunteers will conduct a security check on your home while you are on vacation. To request this service, go to Northern Division, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm or call 858-522-1700. [] "You Are Not Alone" YANA Checks If you know someone who is elderly or disabled and also alone, volunteers will stop by and check on these people regularly. To request this service, go to Northern Division, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm or call 858-522-1700.
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce   619-544-1300  402 W. Broadway, Ste. 1000
This nonprofit business advocacy group is an influential force in local government and regional economic development. With more than 3,000 members it is actively involved in public policy and providing resources to its members.
Community   ^top^
+Expand/-Collapse   Aircraft Noise     Website
To sign up for Airnoise system, go to and click on 'learn more'. Email questions to
To log a noise complaint directly to Airport Authority visit
(To view live updates of aircraft positions you must enable Flash in your browser settings.)
+Expand/-Collapse   Area Vibes - Livability: La Jolla Best Place to Live     
The AreaVibes Livability Score was designed to help you find the best places to live. It is created using a unique algorithm that takes into account dozens of characteristics in 7 different categories including nearby amenities, cost of living, crime rates, education, employment, housing and weather. A total Livability Score is then calculated out of 100 for any area across America.
+Expand/-Collapse   Coyote Cacher   Phone: 949 301-9182 x1004  WWW
Coyote Cacher is part of a research project with the University of California Cooperative Extension that aims to collect more information on coyote encounters in California. The information you provide will be used to help inform researchers of trends in human-coyote interactions. If you wish to participate in this survey, please see the survey below to answer some questions. Participation is voluntary. If you require more information about this process please contact Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor Dr. Niamh Quinn at at University of California Cooperative Extension, Orange County.
+Expand/-Collapse   Electronics Recycling and Paper Shredding   858-909-0802  Call for new weekly location.
TV, Copiers, Printers, E-waste drop off and recycling.
+Expand/-Collapse   Endangered Habitats League   619-846-3003  P.O. Box 7729 | San Diego , CA 92167-0729
Dedicated to the protection of the diverse ecosystems of Southern California and to sensitive and sustainable land use for the benefit of all the region's inhabitants. • Secure, intact native landscapes where diverse, abundant wildlife thrives • Sustainable human communities with a high quality of life for everyone • Rural and agricultural lands saved from sprawl 2005: Michael Beck, San Diego Director
+Expand/-Collapse   Eventful - Events in San Diego   858.461.3800  12730 High Bluff Dr., Ste. 250 , 92130
Find, share and promote events.
+Expand/-Collapse   Friends of Salk Coastal Canyon   Contact: Kathryn Burton  Salk: 10010 N. Torrey Pines Rd.
Salk Coastal Canyon is one of the last undeveloped coastal canyons in California. The preserve is located in La Jolla and frames the world famous architectural icon designed by Louis Kahn for the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. The canyon and its breathtaking ocean views are threatened by a proposed 25,000 square foot project, part of a 210,000 square foot expansion plan, that would house a private athletic club & day care center, administrative offices, a city standard road and lit parking lot. The Friends of Salk Coastal Canyon opposes construction on this fragile area. The project as proposed threatens the endangered habitat on and adjacent to the site and destroys the unique setting and historic view from the Salk Institute.
+Expand/-Collapse   Helen Edison Lecture Series - UCSD     UCSD Price Center and other locations on campus.
Free public lectures
+Expand/-Collapse   Kids Beaches     Pacific Beach
San Diego Getaway is an official partner of:
  • Comfort Inn and Suites Hotel Circle
  • Comfort Inn and Suites Zoo / Sea World
  • Comfort Suites San Diego / Mission Valley
  • Doubletree Club Hotel San Diego.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Association     La Jolla
"Our goal is to ensure the City of San Diego, the San Diego City Council and the La Jolla Community Planning Association represent the best interest of the La Jolla community while protecting individual private property rights of all La Jolla communiity residents. "
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Community Center - The Riford Center   858-459-0831  6811 La Jolla Blvd.
Open Mon.-Thurs. 8 to 4, Fri. from 9 to 1
# La Jolla's active adult center: A welcoming meeting place for learning, fitness, and social activities
# A central source of information on adult activities available across the La Jolla community
# A social network of adults with shared interests, to strengthen our sense of community
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Community Organizations     La Jolla Light
La Jolla Community Organizations.
Compiled by La Jolla Light, July 2018
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Community Planning Assoc.   858-456-7900  615 Prospect Street, La Jolla Rec Ctr.
Chair: Simon Andrews. Meetings: First Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. The La Jolla Community Planning area consists of approximately 5,718 acres, located along western edge of the north coastal region of the City of San Diego. Bounded on north by UCSD and a portion of the University community, on east by Gilman Drive, the University community and Interstate 5, on south by the community of Pacific Beach and on west by Pacific Ocean. The northern-most portion of La Jolla is separated from the remainder of the community by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and a portion of UCSD. Neither Scripps nor UCSD are under the jurisdiction of the City of San Diego.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Farms Homeowners Association     La Jolla Farms Road
2005: Laura Wheeler, representative; Courtney Coyle, Environmental Attorney.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Historical Society   858-459-5335  7846 Eads. Avenue
The La Jolla Historical Society is the gateway to La Jolla's history and is dedicated to the discovery, collection and preservation of La Jolla's heritage.
See also updated website
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Light Newspaper   858-459-4201  565 Pearl St., Suite 300
Incorporated in 1913, now with a circulation of 30,000 serving the La Jolla area weekly. Kara Snow, Executive Editor
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Shores Association   Email:  La Jolla Shores
With a more than 40-year history, its primary purpose is to address community issues as they relate to the protection and the unique characteristics of the La Jolla Shores area.
It strives to represent the interests of the community to other organizations, including local and state government agencies.
Normally Meets: 2nd Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.
Location: Building T-29, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 8840 Biological Grade
– Actually, meetings are now 2nd Wednesday at 6PM by Zoom until further notice.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Town Council   858-454-1444  7660 Fay Ave • H-274, La Jolla, CA 92037
La Jolla Town Council
The La Jolla Town Council addresses issues facing La Jolla. We formed a community-wide Task Force that worked on the public health and safety problems caused by the California Sea Lion occupation of La Jolla beaches. A second area addressed was the increase in quality of life crime that is affecting all of San Diego, including La Jolla. A Public Safety Committee was formed and the group works closely with SDPD to unite neighbors under an active Neighborhood Watch program. A third activity was to provide a public Forum for the community to highlight important issues in town. Most recently we held a public Forum to present various positions for Short Term Rentals, Airport Traffic Noise, Homelessness, Vanlife, Micromobility, Scooter Corrals and Traffic concerns. In our meetings we focus on pressing issues in the community. Please join us to make La Jolla Town Council even more effective in 2020.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Village News   858-270-3103  4645 Cass St. Second Floor, Pacific Beach
San Diego Community Newspaper Group delivers to Delivers to 56,000 homes in local communities every Thursday. Email:
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jollans for Clean Government   858-456-1264  5666 La Jolla Blvd., #314
This is a community based nonprofit corporation formed by La Jolla residents to investigate and expose corruption and conflict of interest in our local government sponsored boards and committees. May 4, 2006 they filed a lawsuit against the La Jolla Community Planning Organization who allegedly have been manipulated by land developers and real estate speculators to the detriment of the majority of La Jolla citizens.
+Expand/-Collapse   Mailing Center at UCSD   Phone: 858-822-0669  In the Trove, across from Library, NE corner of Library Walk
Open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at The Trove, excluding University holidays.
Prepaid drop-off bins for USPS, UPS and FedEx are located inside. Free face masks available for pickup.
Mailing Center is inside The Trove. The entrance to The Trove is located on the northeast corner of Library Walk, directly across from Geisel Library.
Mail packages and letters to U.S. and international destinations via US Postal Service.
Note: International packages require a computer-generated customs form. Go to:
Shipping of domestic packages/letters or Intl. letters using UPS or FedEx.
Mailing Center offers steep discounts on UPS and FedEx compared to carrier direct
+Expand/-Collapse   Newspaper - La Jolla Light     La Jolla Village
(See our listing under La Jolla Light Newspaper)
+Expand/-Collapse   Nextdoor La Jolla Farms     La Jolla Farms
Nextdoor is a private social network and one section is dedicated to the La Jolla Farms community including but not exclusively Blackhorse.
Nextdoor La Jolla Farms is our local network. Some Blackhorse residents started joining in April 2015. It's an easy way for neighbors to talk online and make lives better in the real world. And it's free. People are using Nextdoor to:
  • Quickly get the word out about a break-in
  • Organize a Neighborhood Watch Group
  • Track down a trustworthy babysitter
  • Find out who does the best paint job in town
  • Ask for help keeping an eye out for a lost dog
  • Find a new home for an outgrown bike
  • Call that nice man down the street by his first name
Nextdoor’s mission is to use the power of technology to build stronger and safer neighborhoods.
+Expand/-Collapse   Polling Place   858-565-5800 (info)  University Lutheran Church - 9595 La Jolla Shores Dr.
San Diego Registrar of Voters | 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I | San Diego, CA 92123
Voter Registration and Records Maintenance; Administering Candidate Nomination Procedures; Conducting Federal, State, Local and School Elections; Administering the Provisions of the Campaign Reporting Laws
+Expand/-Collapse   Project Clean Water   858-495-5257   5201 Ruffin Road, Ste B, San Diego 92123
A Water Quality Resource for the San Diego Region. Safe Pest Control Information. Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Best Management Practices for the San Diego region. San Diego's watersheds. Programs & Laws. Education. Report Pollution. Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). Hydromodification Criteria and Workgroup. County of San Diego Land Use and Environment Group (LUEG). Low Impact Development (LID).
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Coast Keeper   619-758-7743  2825 Dewey Rd, Ste 200 | San Diego 92106
San Diego Coastkeeper protects the region’s bays, beaches, watersheds and ocean for the people and wildlife that depend on them. We balance community outreach, education, and advocacy to promote stewardship of clean water and a healthy coastal ecosystem.
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego County Watchdog Institute     San Diego
Our mission is to produce investigative journalism that informs citizens of San Diego and Imperial counties. We are collaborative, not competitive, and seek to distribute our work throughout the region, across multiple media platforms. In our dedicated pursuits, the Watchdog Institute satisfies a need for deep, thoughtful, data-driven journalism that illuminates government actions, accounts for public monies, provokes a search for solutions to governmental and societal problems and strengthens democracy in the region.
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Crimestoppers   888-580-8477  San Diego County
Crime Stoppers, local ,state and federal law enforcement agencies began working together to solve crimes in San Diego County. The intent was to publicize an anonymous tip hotline 888-580-TIPS, where citizens could call with information on any felony crime or suspected criminal activity, and to publicize one major county-wide unsolved felony crime on a weekly basis through the use of televised reenactments, public service spots, news stories and news releases to radio and print publications.
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Historical Society   619-232- 6203  1649 El Prado, Suite #3 | Balboa Park
The educational and cultural institution dedicated to preserving and sharing San Diego's growing historical collections and extensive archives with members, visitors, and the community. The Museum of San Diego History is in the Casa de Balboa Building, Balboa Park,
+Expand/-Collapse   San Diego Weekly Reader     1703 India Street San Diego, 92101
Weekly online and print newspaper. Includes online list of current local events around La Jolla and all over San Diego County.
+Expand/-Collapse   SanDiegoVille Blog   Call: 619-800-2861  Office: Cass Street, Pacific Beach
News, Events and Concerts.
Due to the abundance of awesome concerts & comedy shows in America's Finest City, there must be some limitation on those we include on SanDiegoVille's Concert Calendar. For the most part, we'll list only the bigger names (that we've heard of), as well as shows that we have a personal interest in.
If you have any recommendations for shows to add to this list, please email us at! Click on the artist's name to land on the ticket purchase page for the respective event.
+Expand/-Collapse   Scripps Park Project   858-459-7660  PO Box 1653, La Jolla, 92038
Dedicated to the development and implementation of a long-term plan to preserve, restore, and enhance the Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Park, incorporating extensive community involvement.
+Expand/-Collapse   Securing Our eCity   Contact:  World Wide Web

Securing Our eCity currently offers a foundational workshop to get you and/or your team on the right track to avoid the ever-present dangers in cyberspace.
As our digital city builds out so will connections to the experts.

Cybersecurity Government and Law Enforcement Contacts
Identity Theft Resource Center:
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team:

+Expand/-Collapse   Sundt Memorial Foundation     
This foundation maintains the gate to Black's Beach with the enscription: "Beyond the gate, at the end of the road, the journey begins and memories last forever…" See also: UCSD Donors
+Expand/-Collapse   The Desert Protective Council   619-342-5524   San Diego, CA 92163
Mission: To safeguard for wise and reverent use by this and succeeding generations those desert areas of unique scenic, scientific, historical, spiritual or recreational value and to educate children and adults to a better understanding of the deserts.
+Expand/-Collapse   The Sierra Club of San Diego   619-299-1743  3820 Ray St., San Diego, CA 92104
The Sierra Club's members and supporters are more than 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.
+Expand/-Collapse   Torrey Pines Association   858-755-5551 (Membership Chair, Mike Gonzalez, Jr)  
The Torrey Pines Association was founded in 1950 to encourage public interest in, and support for, the preservation of the rare Torrey pine trees and their scenic refuge.
+Expand/-Collapse   Torrey Pines Mesa     Torrey Pines Mesa
The Official Blog of the San Diego Tourism Authority.
This two-mile stretch of North Torrey Pines Road (just north of La Jolla) has attracted many of the brightest minds in life sciences, biotech, and engineering.



+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD - Community Planning   Email:  UCSD
The University Community Plan serves as the 30-year vision for land use, mobility, urban design, public facilities and services, natural resources, historic and cultural resources, and economic development in the University Community Planning Area. This update plans more opportunities for homes, jobs and mixed-use development connected to the University of California San Diego, retail and employment centers, hospitals, health care facilities, residential areas, public spaces, and bus rapid and light rail stations.
+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Capital Improvement Projects     UCSD Campus

Capital Planning is the lead office for coordination, preparation and routing of required capital project documents for approval by the Chancellor, Office of the President, the Regents, or the state. Capital Planning also serves as the liaison between the campus and Office of the President to coordinate the Capital Program.

Capital Planning collaborates across vice chancellor areas to prepare and submit the annual Capital Financial Plan update, which currently represents a six-year forecast of proposed capital improvements. This plan is usually presented to the Regents for their acceptance at the November Regents meeting. Capital Planning also coordinates with Capital Program Management to submit the annual Major Capital Implementation Report, which provides an update on the progress of all approved capital improvement projects with budgets over $1 million that were either completed in the past fiscal year or were in design or construction during the past fiscal year.

In addition to these activities, Capital Planning participates on committees related to design professional and contractor screening and selection, design-build competitions, project work groups, neighborhood planning studies, utility infrastructure planning, public realm improvements and capital asset renewal (deferred maintenance).

+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Government & Community Relations   858-534-6862 Director, Campus & Community Relations  UCSD Main Campus

The Government & Community Relations (GCR) department serves as the primary liaison between UC San Diego and federal, state and local government entities on issues affecting higher education, research and health care. GCR also fosters relationships between the university and community groups and leaders to create a positive impact on our region and around the world.

Advocacy efforts keep our legislators, community members, and others informed and up-to-date on UC San Diego’s initiatives, achievements, and impact. Experts from across the university actively engage in collaborative and coordinated cross-campus efforts. This is integral to the success of our outreach and engagement processes.

+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Guardian Newspaper     UCSD Campus
Campus newspaper
+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Mailing Center   Phone: 858-822-0669, 858-534-2230  Location: In the Trove, at NE corner of Library Walk across from Library.
The Mailing Center at The Trove is a full-service postal annex for all of your shipping and mailing needs.
UCSD Mailing Center Hours
Open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at The Trove, excluding University holidays.
Prepaid drop-off bins for USPS, UPS and FedEx are located inside. Free face masks available for pickup.
Mailing Center is inside The Trove. The entrance to The Trove is located on the northeast corner of Library Walk, directly across from Geisel Library. View the campus interactive map for directions.
Education   ^top^
+Expand/-Collapse   Cal IT2 LIfe     UCSD | Atkinson Hall,5th Floor | 9500 Gilman Drive #0436
The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) has divisions, people and buildings at UC San Diego and UC Irvine. This website gives readers an inside look at the day-to-day, behind-the-scenes activities of the institute from the perspective of a cross-section of contributors from different parts of Calit2 on each campus.
+Expand/-Collapse   California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology   858-822-4998  UCSD | Atkinson Hall,5th Floor | 9500 Gilman Drive #0436
Calit2 represents an experiment in inventing the university research environment of the future to continue to fuel innovation in the global economy.
+Expand/-Collapse   California Sea Grant   858-534-4440  9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0232
For Marine Research, Education and Outreach, this is the largest of 30 Sea Grant programs, uses scientists and engineers at public and private universities throughout the state, administered by the University of California and is based at SIO. Through research it sponsors, the Program contributes to the growing body of knowledge about coastal and marine resources and helps solve contemporary marine-related problems. Through its Extension and Communications components, it transfers information and technology developed in its research efforts to industry, government and the public. The marine advisors and specialists form a link between the university, industry, and the public. It supports graduate education by funding trainees to work with marine scientists and engineers on a wide range of topics.
+Expand/-Collapse   Collaborative Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses (CCIED)     U.C.S.D.
The Collaborative Center for Internet Epidemiology and Defenses (CCIED, "SeaSide") is a joint effort between researchers at UCSD and the International Computer Science Institute's Center for Internet Research(ICIR). CCIED addresses the critical challenges posed by large-scale Internet-based pathogens, such as worms and viruses. Contact: Location: 9500 Gilman Dr., MC 0114
+Expand/-Collapse   Federal Citizen Information Center   888-878-3256  Pueblo, CO
For years, consumers have written to FCIC for timely, practical information they trust. FCIC provides the answers to questions about the Federal Government and everyday consumer issues whether citizens write, call or log on.
+Expand/-Collapse   Gillispie School   858-459-3773  7380 Girard Ave.
Pre-school, Kindergarten, Elementary, Summer and Academic Enrichment programs.
+Expand/-Collapse   Helen Edison Lecture Series - UCSD   858-822-0510 (Edie Munk)  UCSD Campuses
Free public lectures on issues that advance humanitarian purposes and objectives.
+Expand/-Collapse   La Jolla Riford Branch Library and Jacobs Annex   858-552-1657   7555 Draper Avenue
Locations and hours of all San Diego public libraries: San Diego Government Site
To search the catalog and database:San Diego Public Library Database
+Expand/-Collapse   Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION)     (See UCSD SIO)
A program that focuses the science, technology, education and outreach of an emerging network of science driven ocean observing systems. Working with UCSD and other institutions to build a digital infrastructure that will allow ocean observatories to collect, process and transmit data. See news release for UCSD connection.
+Expand/-Collapse   Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCSD   858-534-3409  9600 N. Torrey Pines Rd
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UCSD is an educational and cultural organization for retirees, directed by its members under the administrative auspices of UCSD Extension. Its approximately 500 members annually elect a set of officers and a Council to establish policy, oversee the curriculum and activities, control its financial and budget affairs, and generally maintain the organization.
+Expand/-Collapse   Salk Institute For Biological Studies   858-453-4100  10010 North Torrey Pines Road
The Salk Institute was established in the 1960s by Jonas Salk, M.D., the developer of the polio vaccine. His goal was to establish an institute that would explore questions about the basic principles of life. He wanted to make it possible for biologists and others to work together in a collaborative environment that would encourage them to consider the wider implications of their discoveries for the future of humanity. The Salk Institute's major areas of study have focused on molecular biology and genetics, the neurosciences, and plant biology. See public scientific seminars.
+Expand/-Collapse   The Burnham Institute   858-646-3100  10901 North Torrey Pines Road
Mission is to perform outstanding basic research in the life-sciences. Provide the foundation of knowledge that is critical to medical progress. Premise is that understand fundamental mechanisms of cellular processes at their molecular level in health versus disease states and gain true understanding of what goes wrong during medical illnesses. Discoveries by Burnham Institute scientists have paved the way for development of many new medical therapies currently approved or in clinical testing. From research comes the power to cure. More than 450 scientists and 625 employees currently work at the Burnham Institute.
+Expand/-Collapse   The Children's School    858-454-0184  2225 Torrey Pines Ln.
The Children's School (TCS), headed by Molly Huffman, is a small, independent, accredited school founded in 1972 by a group of educators whose goal was to provide quality, child-centered education. It is the only elementary school in La Jolla Shores and offers early childhood programs as well as a terrific K-8 program and a wealth of summer camps. The Children's School summer camps won the Nickelodion Award for Best Summer Camps in San Diego in 2008. (rev. 20081108)
+Expand/-Collapse   The Marine Physical Laboratory (MPL) of SIO/UCSD     8820 Shellback Way, La Jolla
As a Navy funded, academic laboratory of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, the Marine Physical Laboratory has a dual mission: To investigate and apply knowledge about the ocean, its boundaries and surrounding media to solution of Navy's problems in undersea warefare and ocean technology; and To provide research training of students in areas of oceanography and ocean technology which have application to Navy requirements.
+Expand/-Collapse   The Scripps Research Institute   858-784-1000  10550 N. Torrey Pines Road
One of the country's largest, private, non-profit research organizations at the forefront of basic biomedical science that seeks to comprehend the most fundamental processes of life. In just three decades the Institute has established a lengthy track record of major contributions to the betterment of health and the human condition. It has become internationally recognized for its basic research into immunology, molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, neurosciences, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, virology and synthetic vaccine development. Particularly significant is the Institute's study of the basic structure and design of biological molecules placing it among a handful of the world's leading centers.
+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Bookstore   858-534-7323  Gilman Drive. Walk from Blackhorse.
Books, text books, gifts, clothing, computers, computer supplies, office supplies. All within a short walk of Blackhorse at the Price Center.
+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Extended Studies & Public Programs   858-534-3400  9600 N. Torrey Pines Road
UCSD Extension is an innovator in providing lifelong learning solutions to the San Diego community and abroad. Through cutting-edge education, networking forums and technology-focused programs, Extension educates one of the most competitive workforces in the world, provides early awareness of emerging business trends, and inspires an unstoppable creative community.
+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering   858-534-4575  9500 Gilman Drive
Strategy is to lead in targeted research areas critical to national technological leadership, the economic prosperity of our region, and the quality of life for people everywhere. Bioengineering, earthquake and renewal engineering, energy, high performance computing, information technology, networking and communications, and materials are among strengths. Currently doubling in size and expanding focus and strength in Bioinformatics, genomics, information technology and systems engineering/systems integration, nanotechnology, and environmental engineering. Offering B.S., M.Eng., M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs and partnering with industry and the community.
  UCSD Libraries   858-534-3336  9500 Gilman Drive #0175
+Expand/-Collapse   UCSD News and Calendar     
UCSD Calendar of Events
State & Federal Government   ^top^
+Expand/-Collapse   Automated Regional Justice Information System   619-533-4205  San Diego County
The Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) is a complex criminal justice enterprise network utilized by 50 local, state and federal agencies in the San Diego region. ARJIS is chartered with supporting a regional web based enterprise network that utilizes technical and operational standards to build interfaces to all criminal justice systems in the region. The ARJISNet secure intranet contains data on the regions crime cases, arrests, citations, field interviews, traffic accidents,fraudulent documents, photographs, gang information and stolen property.
+Expand/-Collapse   Calfornia State Senate - District 39   (619) 645-3133  701 B Street, Suite 1840
Capitol Office State Capitol, Room 4072 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 651-4039 Fax: (916) 651-4939 Senator Marty Block San Diego District Office 701 B Street, Suite 1840 San Diego, CA 92101 Fax: (619) 645-3144
+Expand/-Collapse   California Coastal Commission   619-767-2370  7575 Metropolitan Drive Ste 103
Mission is to plan for and regulate land and water uses in the coastal zone consistent with the policies of the Coastal Act. San Diego, CA 92108-4402 2005: San Diego Coast District Office Chuck Damm, Sr. Deputy Director Deborah Lee, Deputy Director Sherilyn Sarb, District Manager City Councilman Scott Peters, Board Member
+Expand/-Collapse   California State Assembly - District 78   (619) 645-3090  1350 Front Street, Suite 6054
Contact Assembly Member Toni G. Atkins Capitol Office P.O. Box 942849, Room 219, Sacramento, CA 94249-0078; (916) 319-2078 District Office 1350 Front Street, Suite 6054, San Diego, CA 92101
+Expand/-Collapse   Condo Law - Attorney site   925-746-7177  Pleasant Hill, CA
Beth Grimm, Attorney. Mission Statement. "To be a gatherer of information and through efficient use of technology and physical prsence to provide sound, affordable, insightful, forward-thinking and preventive legal advice, in Plain English, to people who live, work in, manage and administer homeowners' associations and common interest developments throughout the State of California"
+Expand/-Collapse   Condo Law - Attorney site   858-527-0111  San Diego et al
Epsten Grinnell & Howell, APC provides legal services in all aspects of community association law and construction defect counseling and litigation to more than 800 clients in Southern California.
+Expand/-Collapse   Contractors State License Board (CLSB)   Contact: 800-321-CSLB  Sacramento, CA
Log onto this site to a contractor is properly licensed and in good standing with the State License Board.
+Expand/-Collapse   Dept. of Fish & Game, South Coast Region 5   858-467-4201  4949 Viewridge Avenue
DFG manages California's diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public. It maintains native fish, wildlife, plant species and natural communities for their intrinsic and ecological value and their benefits to people. This includes habitat protection and maintenance in a sufficient amount and quality to ensure the survival of all species and natural communities. The department is also responsible for the diversified use of fish and wildlife including recreational, commercial, scientific and educational uses.
+Expand/-Collapse   Southwest Fisheries Science Center   858-546-7000  8604 La Jolla Shores Drive
This is the research arm of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Region. The Center consists of three laboratories with headquarters located in La Jolla. The Center conducts marine biological, economic, and oceanographic research at these laboratories. Center scientists gather and analyze data on living marine resources and their environment throughout the Pacific and in the Antarctic. The ultimate purpose of the data collection and analysis is for protection and management of these resources, to ensure that fish, marine mammal, and sea turtle populations remain at sustainable and healthy levels and that the most effective fishing regulations and international fisheries treaties are implemented.
  U. S. Census Bureau - State of California     
+Expand/-Collapse   U. S. Congressional District 53 of California   202-225-2040  Wash., DC and San Diego
Congresswoman Susan Davis In San Diego: 4305 University Avenue, Ste. 515 San Diego, CA 92105 In Washington, DC: U.S. House of Representatives 1224 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
+Expand/-Collapse   U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission   Phone: 301-504-7923  Bethesda, Maryland
The CPSC is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury consumer products under it's jurisdiction. It is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children. Recalls and Product Safety News:
+Expand/-Collapse   U. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein   202-224-3841  331 Hart Senate Ofc. Bldg. Wash. DC
SAN DIEGO James Peterson, District Director 750 "B" Street, Suite 1030 San Diego, CA 92101 619-231-9712
+Expand/-Collapse   U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS - ICE)   619-557-6485  880 Front Street
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is responsible for identifying and shutting down vulnerabilities in the nation’s border, economic, transportation and infrastructure security. The ICE mission is to prevent acts of terrorism by targeting the people, money, and materials that support terrorist and criminal activities.
+Expand/-Collapse   U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer   202-224-3553  112 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Wash. DC 20510
San Diego 600 B Street, Suite 2240 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 239-3884
Real Properties   ^top^
+Expand/-Collapse   Coldwell Banker - Gretchen Monak   858-459-3851  930 Prospect Street
Premier Estate Office offering multi-million dollar estates, ocean view condominiums, village and La Jolla Farms townhomes.
+Expand/-Collapse   Modern Architecture     La Jolla
This site identifies many architects that built interesting and famous structures in La Jolla. Be sure to see the works of architect Dale Naegel ( DaleNaegle.html ) who designed the Sam Bell residence with elevator to Blacks Beach and Louis Kahn's Salk Institute. Starting at the La Jolla neighborhood section, find a La Jolla architect, then click over to the Architect's pages and to that selected architect's page. You will have access to photos of their works.
+Expand/-Collapse   Pacific Real Estate   858-405-2454  7825 Fay Avenue Suite 200
La Jolla real estate website that searches homes for sale within subdivisions of La Jolla with no registration required.
+Expand/-Collapse   Promote La Jolla   858-454-5718  1150 Silverado Street, Suite 202
Non-profit administrator for the La Jolla Business District. This District consists of 1400 businesses within the 30-block commercial business district known as "The Village".
+Expand/-Collapse   Property Valuation Tool     Web site based in Seattle
For owners, sellers, buyers and investors. The site provides up to date real estate estimates, aerial photo and birds-eye view of properties. Just enter the address. (2006-07-11: Beta Site)
+Expand/-Collapse   Prudential California Realty - David Schroedl   858-459-0202  La Jolla Village
This site has real estate finance calculators, table of loan rates, buying/selling advice/tips and community links.
+Expand/-Collapse   Prudential California Realty - Greg Noonan   858-551-3302  1299 Prospect Ste 100
La Jolla property listings, photos and descriptions.
  Prudential California Realty - Iris Hirsch   858-551-7201  1299 Prospect St.
+Expand/-Collapse   Prudential California Realty - Maxine and Marti Gellens     La Jolla Village
Real Estate site with focus on La Jolla Farms. Includes map of La Jolla communities.
+Expand/-Collapse   Prudential California Realty - Peter Toner   858-551-3311  1299 Prospect St
Real estate guides for La Jolla neighborhoods.
+Expand/-Collapse   Prudential California Realty - Susan Laxson   858-775-3329  La Jolla Village
Access to MLS listings in La Jolla. Sections on neighborhoods, rentals, real estate inventory, maps and calculators.
+Expand/-Collapse   Prudential California Realty - Susana Cohen Corrigan     La Jolla Village
Site includes description of La Jolla community.
Social Media   ^top^
+Expand/-Collapse   Blogspot - Blackhorse Homeowners Association Blog     World Wide Web
Blackhorse Homeowners Association Blog on Blogspot.
+Expand/-Collapse   Facebook - Community Organization     World Wide Web
This is the Blackhorse Homeowners Association Facebook Page.
And the following is the official Blackhorse HOA Website
  Facebook Attraction: La Jolla Shores     World Wide Web
  Facebook Landmark: La Jolla Cove     World Wide Web
  Facebook Places: La Jolla, California     World Wide Web
  Facebook School: La Jolla High School     World Wide Web
+Expand/-Collapse   Nextdoor La Jolla Farms - Private Social Network     
The private social network for neighbors in La Jolla Farms.
Blackhorse members can join now with this Invitation Code: Invitation Code: XQFMQR